Helping People Live their Best Lives

Serving the community for over 50 years

A man and a woman are standing next to each other and smiling.
a manis smiling while standing in a doorway

Person-directed Supports

We provide person-directed supports for people with developmental disabilities. This means we listen and respond to the needs of individuals and their families. The supports provided are unique to the individual and their specific needs, hopes and aspirations.

  • What is person-directed supports?

    We take the time to learn the specific needs of individuals as well as their hopes and dreams. From there, we develop person-directed supports that reflect what we heard and how we can help. It's about getting to know the individual and their family and tailoring supports that work for them. 

  • How do you help people live independently?

    Our supports are as unique as the individual. This can include helping individuals with cooking, cleaning, medication administration, banking, shopping, attending appointments, leisure activities, and making connections in their community.  How we can help is as unique as the individual. 

  • How do individuals access government funded developmental services?

    Families must apply through Developmental Services Ontario. Once an assessment is complete, individuals who require government funded developmental services will be placed on a waiting list. This list is managed by Developmental Services Ontario.

  • Do you operate group homes?

    Since 1973, our focus has been on supported independent living. We create individualized support plans for people living in their own homes throughout London. 

    While we don't provide group home living, we do support  people to find secure housing. We work closely with London/Middlesex Housing Authority. 

  • Do you provide 24-hour care?

    Our supports are based on individual needs. This ranges from a few hours a week to 24-hours a day. 

  • What types of living supports do you offer?

    In addition to supporting independent living, we also offer a Share Your Home Program, neighbourly supports, long-term care supports and monitored living.

  • What is Share Your Home?

    Share your home, neighbourly support providers open their homes to provide a supportive, family-oriented environment where people can learn skills for independently living, or who have lived independently and are now requiring a little more support.

  • What are Neighbourly supports?

    This support option is based on a “good neighbour” concept. The monitor lives nearby and provides a consistent overnight presence and neighbourly relationship should support be needed.

  • How do you support people in long-term care?

    We provide individualized supports and advocacy for people living in long-term care facilities in London and Middlesex County. Supports can range from accompanying people to activities in their home or in community. 

An  woman is reading a piece of paper in a kitchen.

Passport Funding

We can help you manage your Passport funding

  • What is Passport funding?

    Passport is a program funded by the Ontario government  which provides financial assistance to adults with developmental disabilities by giving them additional means and flexibility for services and supports.

  • How much funding may be available to a person?

    The amount of funding one receives is based upon the individual needs identified in the application process.

  • How can I access Passport funding?

    Passport funding is provided through Development Services Ontario. Visit their website to learn more about how to apply for and access Passport funding. 

  • What can Passport funding be used for?

    How an individual uses there funding is up to them. Here are some ways funding can be used. 

    Community Participation and Daily Living Activities

    • Fees and supplies for programs and classes which support independent living and skill improvement such as literacy, cooking, financial and computer skills
    • Fees or admission costs to participate in community events, or club and recreational memberships

    Employment training and supports

    • Transportation costs for activities
    • Covering the wage and fees for a support worker if needed to attend community participation events or activities

    Respite for Caregivers

    • Supervision and/or support provided to offer a temporary break for primary caregivers
    • Can be used day, evening, weekend at home, or out-of-home

    Person-Directed Planning

    • Funds can be used to develop a person-directed plan which identifies the supports needed to achieve the goals and build on the interests of the individual
    • This can be purchased from independent facilitators or a developmental service agency such as Alice Saddy Association


    • Cover some employer costs such as Employment Insurance, WSIB premiums and CPP contributions
    • Administrative supports such as bank fees, bookkeeping costs, fees for scheduling support workers

  • How can Alice Saddy Association help us?

    There are two ways we can help - we can manage your Passport funding for you or assist individuals and families mange their funding. 

    Alice Saddy Association managed 

    You can access our employees for your support needs. We'll meet with the individual/family to learn how you want to use your funding. From there, we take a person-directed approach to create a plan that meets an individual's needs and interests. For direct support, we aim to find the best match with our employees. We will look after scheduling, supervising and evaluating employees, with input from the individual/family. We look after Passport One and charge a 10% fee for this service. 

    Individual or family managed

    We can help in a variety of ways that don't involve directly managing Passport funds or using our employees. For example, we can help in engaging independent contractors. While we won't manage the funding, we can provide information and act as a resource. This may include creating and circulating individualized job postings, organizing interviews, screening potential applicants, training, mentoring and more. We also have templates and resources available. The role of managing finances remains with the individual/family. 

  • How do I learn more?

    Simply email us at We can chat about your needs and go from there. 

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